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Visit Hajj

Hajj is no doubt an amazing spiritual journey that every Muslim aspires to embark on. There is an enormous amount of information associated with Hajj; most is critical to ensure that Hajj is performed not only in the best intentions but also in the correct manner. With that being said there is a ton of information related to Hajj including important Hajj facts that all Muslims should be aware of. Here we will outline a few very important details for our readers in order to get them further acquainted with this immensely important and complex ritual.

  • There are 5 pillars of Islam. Hajj is the 5th.
  • Performing Hajj is compulsory on every Muslim at least once in their life time.
  • Hajj occurs on the 8th to 12th of Dhul Hijjah, the last month of the Islamic calendar
  • Muslims who have performed Hajj are called Hajjis. Some even add the title in front of their name to denote their accomplishment.
  • During Hajj, men are required to dress in Ehraam which is basically two pieces of white sheets they wrap themselves up with. Women are required to dress normal stay in Hijab.
  • Pilgrims stay at Mount Arafat then move to Muzdalfah and Mina where they perform the stoning ritual at the Jamaraat.
  • Mount Arafat is where Prophet Muhammad PBUH delivered his final sermon in which he preached on how men should treat women; that all Muslims are brothers and should stay united.
  • Jamaraat are three walls located in close vicinity to each other that donate the exact spot where the devil, in human form, tried to mislead Prophet Ibrahim against following Allah’s instructions. Prophet Ibrahim rebuked him by throwing stones at him and he went away.
  • Millions of Muslims today follow in the same ritual and stone the 3 walls at the Jamaraat.
  • After the stoning ritual, Muslims perform Udhiya, also known as Qurbani in which they sacrifice a goat, sheep, cow or camel. The meat is distributed to the poor and the needy as well as neighbours and relatives. Many people donate their Qurbani to the poor.
  • Pilgrims perform the Tawaf Al-Wida after Hajj before heading home. Tawaf-al-Wida entails walking around the Holy Kabaa inside Masjid Al-Haram in circle 7 times.
  • Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) performed Umrah 4 times and Hajj once
  • Over 3 million pilgrims performed Hajj last year. This number is expected to grow even further this year.

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